Clinical and social care involvement in design

Product, protocol, pathway and business development to fit healthcare needs


With clinical and social care champions, your ideas have a far greater chance of success.

Health and social care professionals, their organisations, and patients are pivotal in adding value to ideas, design and development with Lucid.

Lucid is sited adjacent to Europe’s biggest clinical  campus.  Our network in multiple specialisms, charitable and commercial healthcare organisations is international.

Clinicians spot many of the under-met needs that Lucid develops with NHS Trusts and Health and social care charities - in grant, award and commercially funded innovation. 

Clinical networks provide access to the lived experience of colleagues, patients, carers and communities that are often difficult to engage but can guide development to greatest impact.

We actively involve practitioners and healthcare support teams throughout product development and regulatory compliance. 


We’ll always access the insight and expertise of clinical networks at the start of a development.

Needs are often complex, contradictory and challenging to address.  We’ll facilitate inputs that helps align design and innovation to practice, considering:

  • Optimised protocols.

  • Existing or potential pathways.

  • Hard-to-access patients and carers.

  • Evidence for regulatory compliance.

  • Reimbursement pathways.

  • Business cases for adoption.

  • Net-zero opportunities.

 Lucid’s team is in regular contact with:

  • Community nurse specialists.

  • General practitioners.

  • Consultant specialists.

  • Clinical scientists.

  • Clinical academics.

  • Infection prevention leads.

  • Medical engineering management.

  • Procurement and logistics teams.

  • NHS and other healthcare provider innovation support teams.


Clinical participation significantly reduces design risk with valuable contributions to detail issues that could otherwise be overlooked.

Typical clinical stakeholder involvement in design, facilitated by Lucid, includes ad-hoc and regular scheduled interaction including:

  • Expert interviews.

  • User group ideas workshops.

  • Formal reviews and clinical options.

  • Formative user studies.

  • Summative human factors engineering.


Our team engages with the clinical community to deliver regulatory outputs including:

  • Input and review in clinical evaluation planning and reports.

  • Clinical investigation planning, delivery and reporting.

  • Compliance to Health IT standards including engagement of clinical safety officers.


Delivering more effective care in, or close to, people’s homes is a priority for most health and social care organisations.

Lucid’s connections and expertise in connected systems  can help you deliver.


Brand and corporate identity development